Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Medicamal Majiuna Tendonitis
prediction strategy
1 .- What tells you the title?
- Students will discuss with the group wrote ideas
2 .- Watch the trailer of "Lazarillo de Tormes"
What did you observe the video? Who is Lazarillo
? What time
Lazarillo lived and in which country?
Lazarillo How old were you?
4 .- Which of the following points that apply to what you think are Lazarillo.
a) Dogs that assist blind people to guide them when they walk.
b) The name of a young rogue who goes through several miserable situations.
c) The assistant priest at a Catholic church.
d) A blind man who plays songs with his guitar. Finally comment
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Build Home Sheet Music
TREATY I Lazarus has his life and whose son was.
- Strategy inference of meanings of unfamiliar words.
- Strategy testing predictions.
1 .- Lee for the purpose of knowing if what you thought of the text actually appears in it.
2 .- Look, as you read parts of the text match your predictions and what not. Mark it with a color in the text.
3 .- Underline the main ideas and makes a summary.
- Strategy inference.
4 .- In this activity you will discover some clues that the author has in his account to identify the mode of being of Lazarillo. Correctly relates the following columns. Be inferred mode of Lazarillo, on the basis of actions taken by the protagonist.
5 .- you feel identified with the character yes or no and why.
Pontoon Party Hut In Missouri
TREATY II How Lazaro Went to a cleric and the things that happened.
- Strategy inference of meanings of unfamiliar words.
- Strategy prediction between paragraphs.
1 .- In your team during the guided reading stop twice and predicts that will happen. 2 .-
find out the main ideas and to summarize.
- Strategy testing predictions.
3 .- The meaning you had to bodig is the same as when you do the reading of this paragraph?
- Strategy inference.
4 .- Choose the correct answer What was the cleric Lazarillo?
a) He was pious because was concerned about the power of Lazarillo.
b) He was very jealous of their food and not allowed her to Lazarillo.
c) was shared only in some moments with Lazarillo.
d) did not care if the child ate or not, but sometimes inadvertently left open the chest that (wooden box). Where he kept his bodig.
- Strategy interpretation of a paragraph.
5 - Read carefully the following paragraph and then select the response to interpret the paragraph.
a) As the cleric never fed to the young Lazarillo then had to open the chest that to get bodig (bread) from there.
b) Lazarillo was very rebellious and naughty, so I stole.
c) Lazarillo was hungry all the time he was very greedy.
d) As the cleric never fed him breaking all
What Does A Brown Thick Discharge Mean
- Strategy inference of meanings of unfamiliar words.
- term strategy of comments on what they read.
1.-Make your teammates with a commented reading: one of the team members read aloud and the other will continue reading their books. You can ask to stop reading when you want to comment on the clause.
2 .- Underline the main ideas and makes a summary.
- inference strategy
3 .- Relates well allowing us to discover how to be the squire with his actions.

- Strategy of expression of comments and opinions about what read o.
4 .- What did you think the deal that gave the young squire?
Women In Girdles,nylons And Slips

- Strategy inference of meanings of unfamiliar words.
- Strategy identifying the main idea.
1 .- Stresses while reading the main idea and makes a summary.
2 .- Choose the correct answer:
How the young man suffered with the friar of Mercy?
a) leaving him without food for days.
b) Because I walked too much and he hurt a lot.
c) Because he could not walk away bread?.
Why Do My Legs Ache And My Feet Burn On Bottom
TREATY V How Lazaro served a Pardoner and the things that he passed.
- Strategy inference of meanings of unfamiliar words.
- Strategy identifying the main idea and details.
1 .- Stresses the moments in which the Pardoner blackmailing and cheating on people to take the bulls. Taking into account the following vocabulary.
Buldero: person commissioned to deliver the bulls of the Holy Cross and collect the proceeds of the charity.
Bulls: Distinctive similar some medals which gave the church sanctified.
- Strategy inference.
2 .- Choose the correct answer according to the text content. Why
rebuked the sheriff and the Pardoner?
a) Because the play was the collation as the Pardoner with the sheriff.
b) Because I want to stay with Lazarillo.
c) Because I had a plan: the sheriff wanted to believe that the Pardoner was a thief.
3 .- Why the bailiff to the floor writhing echo?
a) that the sheriff was truly possessed and wanted the Pardoner heal him because the sheriff was suffering from seizures.
b) because they wanted to make people believe that only by taking the bulls miraculously regain the sense sheriff and so people would take the bulls.
c) because the sheriff wanted to show the Pardoner for stealing the bulls, who was a thief and cheat the people had to know everything.
4 .- What would people take the bulls by the Pardoner master guide.
a) To support our Christian brothers found in Moorish lands, helping with charity and also if our parents prayed five five Avesmarías yy, this will save their loved ones who are in purgatory.
b) The Pardoner's true intent was for people not to stop giving alms and so would be a good deal for the Pardoner and the sheriff.
c) To make people believe in the Pardoner as a healer of the sick or crazy also our Fathers praying five could be saved from purgatory.
5 .- What did his master discovered lazarillo
a) To be worth anything even take advantage of the common people.
b) That was a good man and always give him food.
c) That he was a grumpy man who cared at all to take advantage of people.
How To Make A Jack Off
TREATY VI How Lazaro Went to a chaplain, and what happened to him.
- Strategy inference of meanings of unfamiliar words.
- Strategy identifying the main idea
1 .- Underline the main ideas and makes a summary.
inference strategy
Choose the correct answer
2 .- How did the bad luck of Lazarillo, as always suffered from hunger and abuse?
a) The chaplain gave him money for that effected a great job and could buy shoes and a shirt for the first time.
b) The chaplain offered her a job, gave him a mule, four barrels and a whip with which delivered water to the people of the city and paid for it.
c) In performing work which was to bring water to the villagers and the pay they received, Lazarillo was able to buy clothes and shoes.
3 .- Why was Lazarus?
a) For the chaplain hit him.
b) That the chaplain it exploded.
c) Because Lazarus was bored.
Chickenpox Maculoapular
TREATY VII How Lazaro Went to a sheriff and what befell him.
- Strategy inference meaning of unfamiliar words.
- Strategy identifying the main idea.
1 .- Stresses the main idea and makes a summary.
- Strategy identifying the main idea and details.
2.-Carefully read each of the paragraphs containing Write the main idea before the paragraph number in which it is based on the Work of Lazarillo