Sunday, February 27, 2011

Dancing Dresses Poofy


Ricardo (El Salvador)

What alliance so beautiful!
of black beans The
with snow
proudly showing skin wax
decked contrast of a patent.

Moors and Christians Fellowship
common food religion.
condumios ABCs of citizens.
alphabetically total land hunger.

meeting of two cereals Limpid
with different color and related doctrine,
that twinning
two vital blood.

clear example what give humans
when they sing a duet in the kitchen,
its Plant Brothers Song!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

How Soon Can You Wear A Girdle After Giving Birth

Las almas rotas

brief paragraph of the novel "broken souls" of the Guatemalan writer Blanca Lilia Mendoza Hidalgo.

"No, I can not. I do not want to go out with you.
- Please Ariadna! Come help me I want you love me. Ariadna

was between a rock and a hard place, first such was the necessity of work, and the other, I knew very well what would happen if he went with Mr. Matus.