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With what we quote the teacher and the Treasurer for the audit, and the act cite the two eldest of the association, sr. Antonio Muñoz and sr. Esteve father. We started the review in quietly, and the Registrar had correctly, but after a while, the Treasurer (Mr. Tobacconist and Judge of the town), responded in such a way he began to say "red", ex-convict, and would endeavor to return to jail. The consultants drew his attention, and finally had to despatch of the premises for bad behavior. That Act was drafted in the whole story, and much more that I have not exposed. We chose to review books, and there was everything. Even if improper, five quarters of contribution. And another special case was that whenever the tax rose Contribution and Consumption, resorted to hire pastors on the lease of the herbs. And for the lease of the coal beds and embankments, paid a ridiculous amount, from the moment they hired the lease.
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