Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hardware For Hanging A Bare Mirror

147 .- La Fira, trade and soap Almadies

The Inn, which was on the street corner Zaragoza rise Goya film, was the center of all dealers of chivalry. Wore them on ropes, and exposed the day of the fair, which was 25 March, and stayed three days of festivities. The farmers were changing horses, and bought pigs (Guerrin ) for the year. They had many horses

Fair Chambers (the Catalan mountain). They had a very good cattle. They also came fairs, which were installed in the Plaza de la Iglesia. Rode ten or twelve fairs trinkets, toys, knives, Morella portfolios for the pocketbook and the school, etc.
also came the "flat of the blankets, drums and talking to the farmers. I was a kid, my father bought me a razor with spring. I was quite delighted, I cut a stick for horses and I turned around the edge, and I could not cut the bread.
also had a very old man who went through the streets shouting: " Cosis, songs i ribrells !". Repairing ceramic objects. He carried a backpack with wet clay, a kind of large baldrufa a small pointer, made a small hole and, with some staples, the line with the crack. I put the clay over macerated and solved the cracks, and charged for staple.
was another who also walked down the street shouting: " Gifts! Aullen, diabetes fils i i i ous pa botons the fly!". Women went out and bought the hardware they needed.
also used to hang a man with a donkey and a big Sharon (or sary ) shouting: " Sellons, sing, i olles of fang argoletes fogaril pal!". And this was the trade of the town. Apparel
not speak, because most people bought a legit. Paid to the harvesting of the crop.
All these people, traders and dealers, everyone would stop at the inn. Women each month
Bugada did: put the cosi on a bench and filled it with soap clothing moll, home made with caustic soda and ash of the bark of the almond ( Cosco) and water hot. Then he had to lay off people until they had sabó secase.También dur made with caustic soda, oil and water. It was better than moll.


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