On Saturday April 25, citizens of Vegas Altas and Serena took the progress of Earth Day in Extremadura , held in Merida, his appeal against uranium holdings in the region. At the end of the demonstration and after reading its manifesto, the Villanovense Jesús Gómez Romero appeared before the concentrates to expose the nature of the problem: the possible start of tasks of prospecting for uranium deposits, located mainly in the term City of Havana, affecting the terms of Villanueva de La Serena, Don Benito and other towns in the area.
These sites were closed by the public company ENUSA in 1991, after nearly three decades of exploitation. And now is the Mawson Resources Ltd. Canadian company that seems to have obtained from the Junta de Extremadura a tender to prospect in an area that would range, according to sources, the 8,000 and 15,000 hectares. La Junta de Extremadura, at the request of Hoy, in summer 2007 confirmed the existence of this agreement, pending only the payment of a bond by the company. In November 2008, the company confirmed in a statement on its website that the work of exploration was imminent, without the citizenship of the affected areas have been duly informed. It is hard to imagine conducting a survey of this size, with the very significant economic costs, can be made if there is no clear expectation if such exploration extractive give positive results.
During this event Earth Day in Extremadura many citizens gave their signatures to the letter that dozens of citizens in the affected area later in the day handed to mayors Villanueva de La Serena, Don Benito and La Haba, among others, Paca White, coordinator for Ecologists in Action and Platform Extremadura Antinuclear Close Almaraz, Pedro Vicente Sánchez, a member of Civic Platform and Councillor Refinery Not Citizens Villafranca, Francisco Folger, spokesman for Los Verdes de Extremadura, Pedro Escobar, regional coordinator of United Left, Willy Meyer, MEP IU, José Luis Pérez Tapias, representing the coalition in the Andalusian Parliament ...
Sunday morning in twenty citizens of Don Benito, Villanueva de La Serena, La Haba and other towns in the area attended a concentration in the Plaza of Spain in Don Benito , convened a citizens' initiative supported by the United Left and the Greens of Extremadura, under the theme "The public should be informed about the nuclear mining project in The Bean", during which numerous dombenitenses approached to request information and sign the letter addressed to the mayors. The regional coordinator of IU Pedro Escobar was also present at the event, reiterating the support of his organization to this claim. During the event, Mayor Don Benito, Mariano Gallego, People's Party, came personally to inquire about the reason for the merger and will forward its interest in the matter.
This week will be delivered in the municipalities of Havana, Don Benito Villanueva de La Serena letters their respective mayors, backed by more than a hundred signatures collected in recent days. This letter urges the Selectmen to request from the Government of Extremadura, the licensee of surveys and institutions and independent experts, all relevant information about the nature, procedures, objectives and impact of this project mining.
Pending in the next few days the citizens and organizations interested in this issue submit new shares, is starting a dual task of research. On the one hand, we are compiling all existing data on the previous period of operation of these uranium deposits (epidemiological studies and environmental impact statements and family workers ...). On the other, is leading the project documentation available on the website of the licensee company, the Canadian Mawson Resources Ltd., and are monitoring the activities of mining companies worldwide locations. All this information will be geared to the website http://uraniostop.blogspot.com/ , which will also be announcing new citizen initiatives on this issue.
information: http://uraniostop.blogspot.com/ Contact: uraniostop@gmail.com
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