Sunday, November 28, 2010

Soluce Cheerleader Pusooy

YO THE WORST OF ALL-Poem Santos Cristobal (Nicaragua)

LA BOHEMIA-Frans Hals (Dutch)

the worst of all

said Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

And I

As much as I tried

not understand her

Until one day

are sprayed

The stars


fade butterflies.


I have argued

With the pulse

In my restless heart

In my heart

the worst of all

He repeated Sor Juana

And I did not understand.

Until today

If I can understand

Because from deep

Of Love

I breathed


of my being.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Can Working Out Cause Outbreaks


We, intellectuals and artists committed to reason, ethics and brotherhood that consolidate peace and harmony among peoples of the world, we view with deep concern that the politicking trap , blind nationalism and chauvinism electioneering assembled to bring down to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. We are not lawyers authorized to adjudicate in a complex conflict of interests and nuances, and we depend on international law that provides tools to avoid force. Writers and artists especially Costa Ricans and Nicaraguans, rational solidarity with writers and artists in the world endorse this call to reaffirm the brotherhood between our peoples, we are satisfied that it is the duty of our governments sit down and talk about a binational project development human and environmental protection in the San Juan Basin, before sending troops or make rhetorical statements and fans, not to divide the waters of a river Nicaraguan San Juan River, whose destino histórico es unir a Centroamérica entera.
  No podemos ahogarnos en el río. No debemos encallar en sus raudales. No podemos tolerar que se irrespete la soberanía de ningún país, como tampoco que en patrioterismos prefabricados se agazapen los oportunistas de siempre. Tenemos que evitar que se derrame una sola gota de sangre, pues a estas alturas esa gota inclinará la balanza entre civilización y barbarie, a favor de esta última. Somos pueblos civilizados -orgullosos de una gran cultura compartida-, y a ticos y nicas nos consta tener una inquebrantable vocación de libertad. Ticos y nicas proclamamos que si hay que dar sangre, con gusto la daremos como exemplary democratic transfusion to preserve and protect the life of neighboring historic neighbor, indissoluble brotherhood Abeles transforms us into ever-vigilant against the Cains.
Today, xenophobia and irrationality, once again make clear their old claims and purposes seudonacionalismo William Walker and the patriots. Once again we must unite against all filibusters, civilization, reason and brotherhood nested soul and mind. Therefore we encourage dialogue and fellowship to this new conflict, given the vastness and majesty of the Rio San Juan, is a tiny swamp. Both splendor is to avoid drowning in hate. It is as if nature had endowed Nicaragua of a river where it is all the peace of the world. A river itself is a lesson of serenity. Saying that we live with the sound of the water downstream or upstream, to live is both necessary and navigate. To navigate to live in peace. They summon and we autoconvocados to be guardians of the peace and heralds of that harmony.

San José, Costa Rica, and Managua, Nicaragua, on the 18th day of November 2010.

Intellectuals and artists
Costa Rican and Nicaraguan

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ip Wow Receiver Te Koop

Poema de César del Vasto (Panama) OLD WORDS

Dreams and Awakenings

The good feelings
They shoot darts at the good habit

Visit often stir up a hornet's nest forms Or throw

greetings to


Ignoring the punishments and rewards

Like a rock in front of a mirror

I hope the appointed time

The right time

The fortuitous moment

I can stand And say, to the four compass roses

Not enough wine in my wake, or the clandestine kiss, a coitus interruptus!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Price Wholesale Chicken

Durán Enrique Godoy (Guatemala)

are the same yesterday

old words

arpeggios Shakes

of memories, illusions.

are the same yesterday

old words

Those who write in poet's dream.

Who will want to hear?

The home alone

The wind seeping through cracks

The neighbor's dog ...

Who will want to hear?

old words!

Feelings of love and tenderness

Witnesses painful goodbyes

rescue of shipwreck without

But ...

are the same words

you get back that moment

When you spoke my name

Half complaint, half cry

In the blue silence of the night


When you, gazelle timid, frightened

take cover in the nest of my arms

dropwise and drank the water of pleasure

The River of Dreams made

" Remember?

trembled with passion our two souls

Our lips were sought

satisfied ... They clung

What a great time and that crazy!


Who will want to hear?

old words!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Goldfish Has Something Stuc

Questions from a Worker Who Reads -

Bertold Brecht

Who built Thebes of the seven gates?

The books mention the names of kings.
Did the kings haul the stones?

And Babylon, many times destroyed, Who built it so many times?

In what houses of Lima, the glittering gold, lived the masons?

Where were the builders finished the night the Wall of China?

magna Rome is full of triumphal arches. Who built them?

To whom won the Caesars? Byzantium, so praised, Does only had palaces for its inhabitants?

Even in the fabled Atlantis, the night he was devoured by the sea, cried the drowning men calling their slaves.

The young Alexander conquered India. alone?

Caesar beat the Gauls is not even a cook with him?

Philip of Spain wept when he sank his fleet, Anyone else cry?

Federico Second won the Seven Years War, who more beat?

Each page a victory. Who cooked it the feast of victory?

Every decade a great character. Who paid the bill?

So many reports, many questions.