Sunday, November 21, 2010

Can Working Out Cause Outbreaks


We, intellectuals and artists committed to reason, ethics and brotherhood that consolidate peace and harmony among peoples of the world, we view with deep concern that the politicking trap , blind nationalism and chauvinism electioneering assembled to bring down to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. We are not lawyers authorized to adjudicate in a complex conflict of interests and nuances, and we depend on international law that provides tools to avoid force. Writers and artists especially Costa Ricans and Nicaraguans, rational solidarity with writers and artists in the world endorse this call to reaffirm the brotherhood between our peoples, we are satisfied that it is the duty of our governments sit down and talk about a binational project development human and environmental protection in the San Juan Basin, before sending troops or make rhetorical statements and fans, not to divide the waters of a river Nicaraguan San Juan River, whose destino histórico es unir a Centroamérica entera.
  No podemos ahogarnos en el río. No debemos encallar en sus raudales. No podemos tolerar que se irrespete la soberanía de ningún país, como tampoco que en patrioterismos prefabricados se agazapen los oportunistas de siempre. Tenemos que evitar que se derrame una sola gota de sangre, pues a estas alturas esa gota inclinará la balanza entre civilización y barbarie, a favor de esta última. Somos pueblos civilizados -orgullosos de una gran cultura compartida-, y a ticos y nicas nos consta tener una inquebrantable vocación de libertad. Ticos y nicas proclamamos que si hay que dar sangre, con gusto la daremos como exemplary democratic transfusion to preserve and protect the life of neighboring historic neighbor, indissoluble brotherhood Abeles transforms us into ever-vigilant against the Cains.
Today, xenophobia and irrationality, once again make clear their old claims and purposes seudonacionalismo William Walker and the patriots. Once again we must unite against all filibusters, civilization, reason and brotherhood nested soul and mind. Therefore we encourage dialogue and fellowship to this new conflict, given the vastness and majesty of the Rio San Juan, is a tiny swamp. Both splendor is to avoid drowning in hate. It is as if nature had endowed Nicaragua of a river where it is all the peace of the world. A river itself is a lesson of serenity. Saying that we live with the sound of the water downstream or upstream, to live is both necessary and navigate. To navigate to live in peace. They summon and we autoconvocados to be guardians of the peace and heralds of that harmony.

San José, Costa Rica, and Managua, Nicaragua, on the 18th day of November 2010.

Intellectuals and artists
Costa Rican and Nicaraguan


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