finally (had to use the pun) I was able to take time out of the way to one of the books she longed to read more from my reading pending. Bestseller (now in its eighth edition) and criticism (at least in the first place), End is the first novel by David Monteagudo. (Everyone stands, as if this provided some merit, who works in a cardboard factory.)
Despite going warned after reading several (many) means "that if the ending is bad", "if you disappoint" ... could not see for myself whether they were right. Also, I can not resist a book whose synopsis reads: "A group of old friends who have nothing in common except a murky episode of the past, meets at a mountain retreat for a weekend pass. The meeting closely follows the usual script of these cases, but in full celebration, an external event completely alter their plans. " I like stories of reunions. Whether with friends, boyfriends, brothers, ... What can I do! I also liked the editing Cliff and cover with the explosion at the end of a road flanked by trees. So, all this was adding points to tip the balance in favor of reading despite bad reviews.
The truth is that the characters, forties, are sometimes something cortitos and conversations seem too childish in places, but ... the whole story has entertained me. (Is it because I was cautious and I expected worse?) May not be very original, who has seen / read somewhere right now (damn memory of fish) do not remember, but the mystery and suspense make you move towards the end of the book quickly and accidentally leave the book. Also true that there are at slightly boring, but are the least.
Finally, and without revealing more of the plot, simply say that the book is a mixture of manners and science fiction. After finishing his reading seriously thought "this would be a good story to film." And I just learned that Amenabar has bought the rights ...
Conclusion: It is the work of a genius, does not discover anything new. Just entertain and makes you a good time. But it is not a Dan Brown, as they say in some corners of the blogosphere.
SPOILER: if you were disappointed with the end of LOST, do not read.
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